Self-love is important for all of us. It is crucial for us to learn how to love ourselves.
Self-Love and acceptance are keys to your mental and emotional wellness
I know I felt like a failure when I made the decision to stay home with my daughter rather than work. I felt like I needed to provide some sort of explanation/justification as to why I was choosing not to pursue my career.
The truth is, I used to get annoyed when I’d read articles about self-love, self-care, self-help, self-anything. I was barely hanging on by a thread trying to keep my mental faculties somewhat intact. I didn’t need a reminder of the things I wasn’t doing and didn’t feel capable of achieving.
we are all a work-in-progress
If we can admit we are flawed, then we are one step further in our goal towards self-love.
having a healthy relationship with yourself
Codependency often is a byproduct of not loving ourselves. Lack of self-love can lead to looking for others to “complete us.” We can shut others out because we are afraid of getting hurt. Letting people in requires true intimacy, and that kind of vulnerability is difficult if we don’t love ourselves.
When we don’t love ourselves, we are unable to teach our children how to love themselves. It is our job as parents to set a healthy example for our children. We need to learn how to love ourselves so that our children can love themselves.
self-love is being perfectly imperfect
*To help support your self-love journey, I’ve created a self-love workbook. To print, click here:
Self-Love Workbook: Support and Maintain Your Self-Love Journey.
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